Caustic 3 Remix

The song you send to us as a Caustic 3 Remix must be copyright free (no copyright) and should be made using Caustic 3 (limited use of other applications and software is acceptable).
If you want your track to be distributed on other platforms, then it should not be released or shared with anyone or anywhere else other than us before it is fully released by us. Also, it should be a remix of one of our signed releases.

If we select your track, you will receive an email from us within 7 days. If we don't want to sign your track we will try to let you know as soon as possible. However, if you do not receive a response from us, your track would be rejected. You can then release it if you want to.

You must send your original track in mp3 format as an attachment or from Google Drive along with some details given below.

Here is an example:

Send it to

Keep the subject of mail Caustic 3 Remix

Copy paste the following lines in the start of your email and edit the words on right with your details. 

Original Artist(s): Required (Who created the original track)
Song Name: Required
Original song link: *Required if available*
Remix Artist(s): Required (Who created the remix/Your artist name)
Remix Genre(s): Optional
Distribution to other platforms: Yes/No (If Yes then it must be an unreleased remix and you will have to sign a contract with the label)
Caustic Project File: Yes/No (You can even exclude this option if you do not want to provide the project file)
Remix Artist's Social Media Link(s): Optional


If there is an optional question you don't want to answer, for example, you don't know the genre of your track, keep it as Genre(s): Optional. 

If you wish, you can give the caustic file of the track too as an attachment or through google drive. For signed releases, we cannot let others download the file for free but we can license and sell the project file if you own rights to all material used in the project file such as samples, melodies, lyrics, etc.

After filling the details, you can add any description or extra message for us below it.


  1. I've submitted my track on Gmail

  2. Hey...tcf
    The track i want to submit, i uploaded a little different version on soundcloud. Will this Brings you any problem? Plz reply .Should i private it?


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